The Browning Ball was developed by Bruce K. Browning, R.T.
The Browning Ball was featured in RT Journal, Nov/Dec 2007, author: Bruce K. Browning R.T.
**The ball may darken the image a bit. In CR / DR, the image can be easily manipulated. Clinical studies of use with Film / Screen systems demonstrate that use of the Browning Ball did not impair the Radiologist’s ability to diagnose.
Safety Shaped, Non-Rolling
How do I use it?
The patient is in the AP(anterior-posterior) position;
standing, sitting, or in the bed, for the chest or upright abdomen.
The patient must hug the ball on the chest, resting the chin on the ball. (if possible).
Ensure that the hands or fingers are not in the primary beam.
For the Lateral position - raise the ball above the head.